The Flipped Classroom - Quick Reads

Abeysekera, Lakmal and Phillip Dawson. “Motivation and Cognitive Load in the Flipped Classroom: Definition, Rationale, and a Call for Research.”  Higher Education Research & Development 34.1 (2015): 1-14.

Demski, Jennifer. “6 Expert Tips for Flipping the Classroom.”  Campus Technology 25.5 (2013): 32-37.

Strayer, Jeremy F. “How Learning in an Inverted Classroom Influences Cooperation, Innovation and Task Orientation.”  Learning Environments Research 15.2 (2012): 171-193.

Sweet, Dawn. “Microlectures in a Flipped Classroom: Application, Creation and Resources.”  Mid-Western Educational Researcher 26.1 (2014): 52-59.

“Flipping Your Class.”  Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan.