More Resources on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: IRB and Ethics of SoTL

  1. "Guidelines for Human Research Participants in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research" a paper by Renee A. Meyers 

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Organizations, Conferences, and Funding

  1. National Academy of Education
  2. ISSoTL Conferences
  3. The Teaching Professor Conference

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Journals, Articles, and Bibliographies

  1. Indiana University SOTL Bibliography
  2. Randy Bass "The Scholarship of Teaching: "What's the Problem?"
  3. Kathleen McKinney "Research Methods for Doing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning"
  4. Pat Hutchings, Mary Taylor Huber, Anthony Ciccone "Why the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Matters Today" 
  5. ERIC (EbscoHost) 
  6. ERIC (U. S. Department of Education)
  7. Teaching and Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal 
  8. Practice and Evidence of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Open Access)

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Books and Publishers

  1. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered by Pat Hutchings; Mary Taylor Huber; Anthony Ciccone
  2. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning In and Across the Disciplines by Kathleen McKinney, editor
  3. Engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  4. Classroom research: Implementing the Scholarship of Teaching 
  5. Learning from Change: Trademarks in teaching and learning in higher education from Change magazine 
  6. Opening Lines: Approaches to the Scholarship of Teaching
  7. Teaching on solid ground: Using scholarship to improve practice
  8. Enhancing Scholarly work on teaching and learning 
  9. Higher Education at Stylus Publishing