Innovative Pedagogies Series

Emory offers many broad, interdisciplinary courses that cross traditional pedagogical boundaries, cross disciplines and schools, and integrate the liberal arts mission across the university. Faculty participating in these courses learn to teach in new and different ways, acquire specific tools and strategies, discover new conceptualizations, and perhaps find new resources that will infuse their future teaching and scholarship. Innovative Pedagogies conversations will highlight and reflect on the challenges and rewards of teaching across the university.
Co-presented by the CFDE and the Coalition for the Liberal Arts.
Coalition of the Liberal Arts Courses - Faculty Panel Discussion
April 14, 5:00 - 6:30 pm, Jones Room, Woodruff Library
Hosted by Robyn Fivush, Associate Vice-Provost for Academic Innovation
Courses discussed and its conveners:
- “Eating Ethics”: Jonathan Crane, Amy Webb Girard, Mindy Goldstein
- “Disability, Resilience, and the Mortal Self: Healing and Care Across the Lifespan”: Aaron Stutz, Zoher Kapasi, Bruce Greenfield, Sarah Blanton
- “Understanding Climate Change at the 2015 United Nations Meeting in France”: Wesley Longhofer, Eri Saikawa, Sheila Tefft
- “In Here You’re a Number: Female Incarceration and Women’s Narratives”: Brenda Baker, Stacy Bell, Jessica Sales
Previous events in this series
How Interdisciplinary Teaching Transforms Teaching and Scholarship - Faculty Panel Discussion
March 3, 4:15-6:00 pm, Jones Room
Panelists: Jaffar Khan, School of Medicine; Deboleena Roy, Emory College; Jeff Rosensweig, Goizueta Business School; Cory Labrecque, School of Medicine/Center for Ethics
Connect with Teaching: Infusing Teaching with Technology
March 28, 1:00-2:30pm, Center for Ethics, Room 102
(co-sponsored with the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship)
The Work of Art in the World Creates Pre-Texts for Teaching and Learning
Doris Sommer, Director, Cultural Agents Initiative and Ira and Jewell Williams Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and of African and African American Studies, Harvard University
April 1, 4:00-5:30 pm, Jones Room
(co-sponsored with the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the Hightower Fund, the Center for Ethics, the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program, the American Studies Program, the IDEAS Fellows Program, and the Emory College Language Center)