Sept 1-3: Decatur Book Festival - Save the Date!

Emory Authors Take Center Stage at the 2017 AJC-Decatur Book Festival
Emory authors and presenters will once again take center stage at the 2017 AJC-Decatur Book Festival, September 1-3. In addition to the authors who will speak and read from their books as part of the festival program, Emory faculty and staff will serve as part of panels and presentations. Please watch this space for additional information as it becomes available.
Book signing schedule
CFDE Table in the Emory Tent
Corner of Clairemont and West Ponce, in front of the Old Dekalb County Courthouse
- 12:00 – Erin Tarver, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Oxford College, The I in Team: Sports Fandom and the Reproduction of Identity
- 1:00 – Jericho Brown, Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing, The New Testament
- 2:00 – Marie Marquardt, Scholar in Residence, Candler School of Theology, The Radius of Us
- 3:00 – Michael Lucker, Screenwriting Adjunct Faculty, Film and Media Studies, Crash! Boom! Bang!: How to Write Action Movies
- 4:30 – Benjamin Reiss, Professor of English, Wild Nights: How Taming Sleep Created Our Restless World
- 12:30 – Robert J Davis, Visiting Instructor, Rollins School of Public Health, Fitter Faster: The Smart Way to Get in Shape in Just Minutes a Day
- 1:30 – Daniel LaChance, Assistant Professor of History, Executing Freedom: The Cultural Life of Capital Punishment in the United States
- 2:30 – Anthony Martin, Professor of Practice, Environmental Sciences, The Evolution Underground: Burrows, Bunkers, and the Marvelous Subterranean World Beneath our Feet
- 3:45 – Pellom McDaniels III, Curator of African American Collections, Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Porter, Steward, Citizen: An African American’s Memoir of World War I
- 4:30 – Stacia Pelletier, Chief Writer, Office of the President, The Half Wives
And look for these additional Emory presenters
- Arya Basu Visual Information Specialist Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
- Clinton Fluker Outreach Coordinator, Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
- Randy Gue Curator of Modern Political and Historical Collections, Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library
- Hank Klibanoff Professor of Practice, English and Creative Writing
- The Race Beat: The Press, the Civil Rights Struggle, and the Awakening of a Nation
- Janet Metzger Adjunct Professor of Law, Audiobook Narrator