Emory Authors at Decatur Book Festival

Emory University faculty feature prominently as speakers and presenters on the program of the 2018 AJC Decatur Book Festival over Labor Day Weekend, Aug 31-Sept 2, and still more Emory staff and students will be on stage as panelists, spoken word poets, and in other roles. Please watch this space for additional information as it becomes available.
Book signing schedule
CFDE Table in the Emory Tent
Corner of Clairemont and West Ponce, in front of the Old Dekalb County Courthouse
- 11 am – Andrew Plattner, Instructor in Creative Writing, Dixie Luck: Stories and the Novella Terminal
- 12 noon – T Cooper, Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing, Changers Book 4:
Forever - 2:30 pm –Joseph Crespino, Jimmy Carter Professor of History, Atticus Finch: The Biography
- 3:30 pm – Gregory Ellison, Associate Professor of Theology, Fearless Dialogues: A New
Movement for Justice - 4:30 pm – Ruby Lal, Professor of South Asian History, Empress: The Astonishing Reign of
Nur Jahan
- 1:00 pm – Tayari Jones, Professor of English and Creative Writing, An American Marriage
- 2:00 pm – Arri Eisen, Nat C. Robertson Distinguished Teaching Professor of Science and
Society in Biology, The Enlightened Gene: Biology, Buddhism, and the Convergence That Explains the World - 3:30 pm – Alan Abramowitz, Alben W. Barkley Professor of Political Science, The Great
Alignment: Race, Party Transformation, and the Rise of Donald Trump - 4:30 pm – Jonathan Crane, Raymond F. Schinazi Scholar in Bioethics and Jewish Thought,
Eating Ethically: Religion and Science for a Better Diet
And look for these additional Emory presenters
- Jericho Brown, Associate Professor of Creative Writing, The New Testament
- Eric Canosa, Department of English, Spoken Word Poetry
- Timothy L. Fields, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Admissions, Lessons I Learned from Drinking
- William Foege, Presidential Distinguished Professor of International Health, Emeritus, The Fears of the Rich, The Needs of the Poor: My Years at the CDC
- Hank Klibanoff, Professor of Practice in English and Creative Writing, Buried Truths Podcast
- Janet Metzger, Adjunct Professor of Law, Audiobook Narrator
- Ruth Parker (represented by co-author Carmen Patrick Mohan), Professor of Medicine, The Women’s Guide to Health—runwalkrun, eat right, and feel better.
- Soma Sengupta, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Boo-Boos and Butterflies
- Laurel Snyder, Instructor in Creative Writing, Charlie & Mouse & Grumpy
- Nathan Blansett, Emory Senior
- Chloe Camp, Emory Junior, Psychology and Human Health
- Nathan Blansett, Emory Senior
- Chloe Camp, Emory Junior, Psychology and Human Health
- Sara Cunningham, Emory Junior, English and Creative Writing and Linguistics
- Christell Roach, Emory Student
- Christina Schmitt, Emory Graduate Student, Candler School of Theology