Become a CFDE Teaching Fellow

This program starts with a meeting in the week before graduation in May 2019 and ends in May 2020.
- For faculty members to develop a project related to teaching and to share it with the community
- To support teaching in the undergraduate curriculum as part of wider effort to bolster the undergraduate academic experience at Emory
- To help develop inclusive classrooms
- To highlight existing faculty teaching expertise
- Open to all fulltime faculty in Emory College, Oxford, Nursing and Business.
- Year-long: starts in May 2019, ends in May 2020.
- $2500 (dispersed in three payments into a research or departmental account in summer 2019, fall 2019, and spring 2020). We are currently looking into the option to take this money as summer salary support; please contact Eric Weeks ( directly if you are interested in this option.
- Applicants must have a smart key to which money can be disbursed.
- All fulltime faculty engaged in teaching
- Record of excellent teaching
- Chairs and deans may nominate; self-nominations are also accepted
- Accepted applicants will be notified by May 8, 2019
- Applications must be sent to: CFDE Teaching Fellows
- Application must include:
- A brief email from chair supporting the application
- A 1-page statement identifying record of excellent teaching (evaluations, or peer letter, or award) the specific expertise the applicant wants to develop, and specific outcomes
- A sample syllabus as evidence of your approach to teaching
On acceptance, the Teaching Fellows will:
- Meet the week of May 13, 2019 with CFDE to develop a plan for the fellowship
- Sign a Teaching Fellows Agreement which commits faculty member to:
- Reading on teaching in their discipline or related to the issue they want to focus on (in consultation with CFDE teaching team)
- Hosting a teaching table to share their knowledge
- Attending two cohort meetings a semester with CFDE teaching team
- Writing a one-page report on their work as a Teaching Fellow
- Creating a bibliography for the CFDE Knowledge Hub arising from their research
Examples of possible projects
- Inclusive classrooms
- Revising Introductory Courses
- Developing case studies for a course
- Developing a peer assessment program for your course
- Creating cohorts across classes and/or schools
- Hosting conversations in a department on relevant pedagogy
- Public scholarship, engagement with communities
- Creativity in the Classroom
- Researching and fostering peer teaching
- Online teaching, multiple formats
- Adapting small courses for courses with large lecture formats
- Working with international students
- Working with refugee and immigrant populations in the Atlanta area
- Working with other institutions in the Atlanta area, through research, institutes, centers, joint academic programs, etc.