Reconnect With Your Writing in the Fall

Is your writing practice not exactly going as planned? Are your support systems less robust these days? Are you finding it hard to catch a wave of momentum?  Join a CFDE Remote Writing Group for the Fall 2020 Semester

You are not alone. Join with your colleagues and reconnect with your writing.

The Center for Faculty Development and Excellence invites all faculty to participate in a special fall 2020 semester-long program of remote writing groups. The groups will be structured around participants' preferences for goals, groupings, frequency, and format.

Groups in which participants wish to read and discuss one another’s work will meet via Zoom. Participants who are looking for regular support and accountability check-ins will join a mostly asynchronous online platform with daily and/or weekly writing check-ins, online discussions, and live group writing sessions.

A writing group can offer support, accountability, structure, and camaraderie for faculty in terms of both the process and the product, for writing across the range of types, lengths, stages of development, and goals. It can supply a welcome antidote to the professional isolation that often comes with the task of writing and provide a source for constructive critical feedback on work in progress. Any writing project, whether it’s a book, a journal article, or a grant, can benefit from a writing group.

The CFDE serves as scheduler and convener, provides support, and sends meeting reminders and online group prompts. The CFDE also sets up email lists for each group to facilitate planning and communication between group meetings. CFDE associate director Allison Adams will meet once with each Zoom-based group during the semester.

The writing groups begin meeting in late August for the fall semester and will conclude the week before Thanksgiving.

For more information, contact Allison Adams.

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