Recharge Your Writing in the Spring - CFDE Writing Support

Running out of steam with your writing? Looking for ways to jump-start your scholarly productivity in 2022?

You are not alone. Join with your colleagues and recharge your writing.

Join the CFDE Writing Support Program for the Spring 2022 Semester

The Center for Faculty Development and Excellence invites all faculty to participate in a spring 2022 semester-long program of remote and in-person writing support structures. Registrants may choose from four options:

  1. Writing Discussion Groups (in which participants read and discuss one another’s work) via Zoom or in-person
  2. Writing Time Groups (in which participants gather in-person for writing time together)
  3. Writing Accountability Groups via Slack
  4. Writing Coach Message Service – twice weekly emails with practical writing tips and support, plus one optional individual 30 minute writing coaching session during the semester.


Deadline: December 10, 2021

A writing group can offer support, accountability, structure, and camaraderie for faculty in terms of both the process and the product, for writing across the range of types, lengths, stages of development, and goals. It can supply a welcome antidote to the professional isolation that often comes with the task of writing and, if desired, provide a source for constructive critical feedback on work in progress. Any writing project, whether it’s a book, a journal article, or a grant, can benefit from a writing group.

The CFDE serves as scheduler and convener, provides support, and sends reminders and online group prompts. The CFDE also sets up email lists for each group to facilitate planning and communication between group meetings. CFDE associate director Allison Adams will meet once with each Zoom-based group during the semester.

The writing groups begin meeting in late January for the spring semester and will conclude first week of May.


Deadline: December 10, 2021

For more information, contact Allison Adams.

If you participated in a previous CFDE writing group that is continuing to meet, you do not need to re-enroll via this process. Past participants who are interested in joining a new group are encouraged to re-enroll.

We also offer year-round regular writing accountability via Sit Down and Write with the CFDE.

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