Workshops & Consultations

Throughout the year, the CFDE hosts and presents multiple workshops, presentations, and opportunities for individual consultations with key professionals in scholarly publishing, funding organizations, and other areas of expertise in research and scholarship.

These offerings are a powerful way to help get your work into publication and receive advice and feedback on your grant applications and book proposals. Watch this area of the website for dates and details for such events throughout the year.  

Increase Your Impact

Sharing your scholarly output

OCT 21 & 28 12-1 PM

In this two-part webinar series learn how you can legally share your publications and help nonspecialists understand your research.

Register Here

Part 1: Oct 21

Copyright and open access basics; sharing publications via preprint servers, personal websites, OpenEmory (our institutional repository) or other repositories, and ResearchGate or similar sites.

Part 2: Oct 28

Guidance and best practices for talking and writing about your work with nonexpert audiences via podcasts, videos, infographics, public speaking, and more to make your work more accessible to the public.

Featured Speakers

Jody Bailey

Head, Scholarly Communications Office, Emory Libraries

Eric Weeks

Director, Center for Faculty Development and Excellence

Ken Carter

Director, Center for Public Scholarship and Engagement

Allison Adams

Director of Research and Scholarly Writing, Center for Faculty Development and Excellence

Presented by the Emory Libraries Scholarly Communications Office, the Center for Faculty Development and Excellence, and the Center for Public Scholarship and Engagement.

Register Here