Celebrating Faculty Authors
The Center for Faculty Development and Excellence, Emory Libraries, and the Emory Barnes and Noble Bookstore host The Feast of Words, an annual event to celebrate the Emory faculty who have written or edited books in the prior year. In the 20 years of the event, we have celebrated more than 2000 titles.
Feast of Words 2024
Celebrating Emory Faculty Books Published Between September 1, 2023, and August 31, 2024
This year’s list totals 98 titles.
A total of 67 authors are represented.
A total of 23 edited or co-edited volumes on the list.
5 faculty either served as translators of works or had their own works translated.
10 individual faculty members had multiple titles published.
There are 45 single-author books.
There are 21 multi-author books.
Arts & Sciences faculty are represented on the list 59 times.
Candler School of Theology faculty are represented 14 times.
School of Law faculty – 9 times.
School of Medicine faculty – 7 times
Goizueta Business School faculty – 5 times
Oxford College faculty – 3 times
Emeriti faculty - 6 times
Emory Staff and Administration – 3 times
School of Nursing faculty – 2 times
School of Public Health faculty – 2 times
Nine of these titles were brought into publication with help from the CFDE’s Scholarly Writing and Publishing Fund, which provides small grants to faculty to hire an editor to help take a manuscript from one stage to the next. Those books are noted by an asterisk (*) next to the entry.
Five of these projects were supported by the CFDE’s Public Scholarship Advancement Fund, which provides small grants to faculty interested in moving their research and writing into the realm of public influence. Those books are noted by a plus sign (+) next to the entry.
Andrade, Tonio (History). Zuihou de shituan: Yiqijiuwunian Helan shituan he yi duan bei yiwang de Zhong-Xi. China Times Publishing.
Babb, Valerie (English). The Book of James: The Power, Politics and Passion of LeBron. Hachette Book Group.
Bennington, Geoffrey (Comparative Literature) and Kas Saghafi, eds. Thinking What Comes, Volume 1: Essays, Interviews, and Interventions. Edinburgh UP.
Bennington, Geoffrey (Comparative Literature) and Kas Saghafi, eds. Thinking What Comes, Volume 2: Institutions, Inventions, and Inscriptions. Edinburgh UP.
Blakely, Sandra (Classics) and Megan Daniels, eds. Data Science, Human Science, and Ancient Gods: Conversations in Theory and Method. Lockwood Press.
Berns, Gregory (Psychology, Psychiatry). Cowpuppy: An Unexpected Friendship and a Scientist’s Journey into the Secret World of Cows. HarperCollins.
Brown, Karida (Sociology) and Charly Palmer. The New Brownies’ Book: A Love Letter to Black Families. Chronicle Books.
* Browne, Irene (Sociology). Precarious Privilege: Race and the Middle-Class Immigrant Experience. Russell Sage.
Broyde, Michael (Law) and Reuven Travis. Finding America in Leviticus: Reflections on Nation Building in the Twenty-First Century. Wipf & Stock Publishers.
Bruyere, Vincent (French and Italian). Environmental Humanities on the Brink: The Vanitas Hypothesis. Stanford UP.
Campbell, C. Jean (Art History). Pisanello and the Grounds of Invention. Harvey Miller.
Carpenter, Joseph (Emergency Medicine) and Brian Patrick Murray, eds. Medical Toxicology (What Do I Do Now: Emergency Medicine). Oxford UP.
Cavanagh, Shelia (English). Multisensory Shakespeare and Specialized Communities. Bloomsbury.
Cherribi, Sam (MESAS). Fridays of Rage: Al Jazeera, the Arab Spring, and Political Islam, Audiobook. Kalorama.
Christiansen-Lindquist, Lauren (Epidemiology) and Kristin M. Wall (Epidemiology). Fundamentals of Epidemiology. Springer Publishing.
Corrigan, Kevin (MESAS). A Less Familiar Plato: From Phaedo to Philebus. Cambridge UP.
Craighead, W. Edward (Psychology) and Charles B. Nemeroff, eds. ADAA Patient Guide to Mood and Anxiety Disorders. American Psychiatric.
Crawford, Christina (Art History), Jean-Louis Cohen, and Claire Zimmerman, eds. Detroit–Moscow–Detroit: An Architecture for Industrialization, 1917-1945. MIT Press.
Cronan, Todd (Art History). Nothing Permanent: Modern Architecture in California. U of Minnesota P.
Cwiak, Carrie (Obstetrics and Gynecology), Patty Cason, Alison Edelman, and Deborah Kowal. Contraceptive Technology, 22nd Ed. Jones and Bartlett.
+ Das Acevedo, Deepa (Law). The Battle for Sabarimala: Religion, Law, and Gender in Contemporary India. Oxford UP.
Desai, Dhaval (Hospital Medicine). Burning Out on the COVID Front Lines: A Doctor’s Memoir of Fatherhood, Race and Perseverance in the Pandemic. McFarland & Co.
Dube, Musa (Theology), Enna Sukutai Gudhlanga, and Limakatso E. Pepenene, eds. Ecofeminist Perspectives from African Women Creative Writers: Earth, Gender, and the Sacred. Palgrave Macmillan.
Dube, Musa (Theology), Telesia K. Musili, and Sylvia Owusu-Ansah, eds. African Women Legends and the Spirituality of Resistance. Routledge.
Dube, Musa (Theology), Telesia K. Musili, and Sylvia Owusu-Ansah, eds. Gender and African Indigenous Religions. Routledge.
Dube, Musa (Theology), Telesia K. Musili, and Sylvia Owusu-Ansah, eds. Gender, African Philosophies, and Concepts. Routledge.
Dudgeon, Matthew (Medicine, Anthropology), George Armelagos (Anthropology, posthumous), Ron Barrett, and Molly Zuckerman. Emerging Infections: Three Epidemiological Transitions from Prehistory to the Present, 2nd Edition. Oxford UP.
Dunbar, Sandra (Nursing, Emeritus) and Lynne Braun, eds. Preventative Cardiovascular Nursing: Resilience across the Lifespan for Optimal Cardiovascular Wellness. Springer.
+ Emmery, Laura (Music) and Ivana Miladinović Prica. The Origins of Yugoslav Musical Minimalism. Cultural Center Parobrod.
Erdozain, Dominic (Theology). One Nation Under Guns: How Gun Culture Distorts Our History and Threatens Our Democracy. Penguin Random House.
Fineman, Martha Albertson (Law) and Laura Spitz, eds. Law, Vulnerability, and the Responsive State: Beyond Equality and Liberty. Routledge.
* Firasta-Vastani, Saloni (Marketing) and Jagdish N. Sheth (Marketing, Emeritus). Purpose Driven Pricing: Leveraging the Power of Pricing for Profit and Societal Good. Routledge.
Frediani, Jennifer (Nursing) and Linda White. Health Now: An Integrative Approach to Personal Health, Version 4.0. FlatWorld.
Freer, Courtney (MESAS). The Resilience of Parliamentary Politics in Kuwait: Parliament, Rentierism, and Society. Oxford UP.
Freer, Richard (Law), Wendy Perdue, and Robin Effron. Civil Procedure: Cases, Materials, and Questions, 9th Edition. Carolina Academic.
Freer, Richard (Law), David Epstein, Michael Roberts, and George Shepherd (Law). Business Structures (American Casebook Series), 6th Edition. West Academic.
Fulk, George (Rehabilitation Medicine) and Kevin Chui. O'Sullivan & Schmitz's Physical Rehabilitation, 8th Edition. F.A. Davis.
Gowler, David (Religion, Oxford), ed. Speaking of God in an Inhumane World: Essays on Liberation Theology and Radical Christianity. Wipf and Stock.
Gowler, David (Religion, Oxford). Perumpamaan-Perumpamaan Yesus: Penerimaan yang Imaginatif dan Variatif oleh Tokoh-Tokoh Ternama. Translated by Oleh Tokoh-tokoh Ternama. Yayasan Andi.
Guldi, Jo (Quantitative Theory and Methods). The Dangerous Art of Text Mining: A Methodology for Digital History. Cambridge UP.
Henderson, Carol (Office of the Provost), ed. Chief Diversity Officers in Higher Education Today: Narratives of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Routledge.
Holland, Timothy (Film and Media). The Traces of Jacques Derrida’s Cinema. Oxford UP.
Howard, Derrick (Law). Omnis: Last Man of Earth. AuthorHouse.
Hylen, Susan (Theology). Finding Phoebe: What New Testament Women Were Really Like. Eerdmans.
James, Gareth (Business), Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jonathan Taylor. An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in Python. Springer.
* Jung, Danielle (Political Science) and James D. Long. The Social Origins of Electoral Participation in Emerging Democracies. Cambridge UP.
Kamath, Harshita (MESAS). Theft of a Tree: A Tale by the Court Poet of the Vijayanagara Empire. Harvard UP.
Karsan, Hetal A. (Medicine) and Brennan Spiegel. Guide to the Guidelines, Volume 1: A Vignette-Based Journal Through the ACG Clinical Practice Guidelines. American College of Gastroenterology
Lal, Ruby (MESAS). Vagabond Princess: The Great Adventures of Gulbadan. Yale UP.
LeMon, Joel (Theology), Thomas Römer, Jens Schröter, Constance M. Furey, Peter Gemeinhardt, and Eric Ziolkowski, eds. Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, Vol. 22 Og (King of Bashan) – Papyrus, Papyri. De Gruyter.
+ * Levin, Geoffrey (MESAS). Our Palestine Question: Israel and American Jewish Dissent, 1948-1978. Yale UP.
Little, Peter (Anthropology). Advanced Introduction to Economic Anthropology. Edward Elgar.
Long, Thomas (Theology, Emeritus). Proclaiming the Parables: Preaching and Teaching the Kingdom of God. Westminster John Knox.
Lysaker, John (Philosophy). Hope, Trust, and Forgiveness: Essays in Finitude. U of Chicago P.
Magloire, Marina (English). We Pursue Our Magic: A Spiritual History of Black Feminism. U of North Carolina P.
Marriott, David (Philosophy). Of Effacement: Blackness and Non-Being. Stanford University Press.
Maxim, Hiram (German Studies) and Katherine Arens, eds. Celebrating Janet Swaffar: A Festschrift. Agarita Press.
May, Steven (English). English Renaissance Manuscript Culture: The Paper Revolution. Oxford UP.
McClintock, Sara (Religion) and John Dunne. Nāgārjuna’s Precious Garland: Ratnāvalī. Wisdom Publications.
McGonigle, Gregory (University Chaplain). Religious Diversity and University Chaplaincy:Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and Humanist Chaplaincy in Higher Education. Wipf and Stock.
Melion, Walter (Art History) and Christopher D. Fletcher, eds. Customized Books in Early Modern Europe and the Americas, 1400–1700. Brill.
Melion, Walter (Art History), Ralph Dekoninck, and Pierre-Antoine Fabre, eds. « Je révise les images… ». Genèse, structure et postérité des "Evangelicae historiae imagines" de Jerónimo Nadal. École française de Rome.
Montalvo, Maria (History). Enslaved Archives: Slavery, Law, and the Production of the Past. Johns Hopkins UP.
Montez, Noe (Theatre Studies) and Olga Sanchez Saltveit, eds. The Routledge Companion to Latine Theatre and Performance. Routledge.
Morgenstern, John (Libraries) and Michelle Witen, eds. Modernism in Wonderland: Legacies of Lewis Carroll. Bloomsbury.
* Motley, Gary (Music). Harmonic Development and Contrapuntal Techniques for the Jazz Pianist: An Imaginative Approach. Routledge.
Nagawa, Margaret (Art History) and Katherine Alcauskas. Insistent Presence: Contemporary African Art from the Chazen Collection. Thames and Hudson.
Nowicki, Stephen (Psychology, Emeritus). Raising a Socially Successful Child: Teaching Kids the Nonverbal Language They Need to Communicate, Connect, and Thrive. Hachette Book Group.
Olson, Alix (Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Oxford) and Alex Zamalin. The Ends of Resistance: Making and Unmaking Democracy. Columbia UP.
* O’Neil, Megan (Art History). Memory in Fragments: The Lives of Ancient Maya Sculptures. U of Texas P.
O’Neil, Megan (Art History) and Andrew D. Turner, eds. Collecting Mesoamerican Art before 1940: A New World of Latin American Antiquities. Getty Publications.
O’Neil, Megan (Art History) and David Saunders, eds. Picture Worlds: Storytelling on Greek, Moche, and Maya Pottery. Getty Publications.
* Ozawa-de Silva, Chikako (Anthropology). Anatomy of Loneliness: Suicide, Social Connection, and the Search for Relational Meaning in Contemporary Japan. U of California Press. (Editions also published in Chinese and Japanese.)
Paine, Jack (Political Science) and Alexander Lee. Colonial Origins of Democracy and Dictatorship. Cambridge UP.
Phillips, Ed (Theology), ed. Introduction to Christian Worship: 4th Edition Revised and Updated. Abingdon.
Premawardhana, Devaka (Religion) and Don Seeman (Religion), eds. Between Life and Thought: Existential Anthropology and the Study of Religion. U of Toronto P.
Pinder, Kamina (Law). The 1L Guide to Legal Writing. Carolina Academic.
Pui Lan, Kwok (Theology). The Anglican Tradition from a Postcolonial Perspective. Seabury.
Quigley, Jennifer (Theology) and Catherine Keller, eds. Assembling Futures: Economy, Ecology, Democracy, and Religion. Fordham UP.
Reinders, Eric (Religion). Reading Tolkien in Chinese: Religion, Fantasy, and Translation. Bloomsbury.
Rigzin, Tsepak (MESAS), trans. and ed. A Treasury of Jewels:A Biography of Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe. Library of Tibetan Works and Archives.
* Sasson, Tehila (History). The Solidarity Economy: Nonprofits and the Making of Neoliberalism after Empire. Princeton UP.
Sheth, Jagdish (Marketing, Emeritus), Gyanendra Singh. India’s Road to Transformation: Why Leadership Matters. Vibrant.
Sheth, Jagdish (Marketing, Emeritus), Preeti Shroff-Mehta, John Garrison, and Shailendra Raj Mehta, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Global and Digital Governance Crossroads: Stakeholder Engagement and Democratization. Routledge.
+ Sinykin, Dan (English). Big Fiction: How Conglomeration Changes the Publishing Industry and American Literature. Columbia UP.
Smith, Luther (Theology). Hope is Here! Spiritual Practices for Pursuing Justice and Beloved Community. Westminster John Knox.
Smith-Shomade, Beretta (Film and Media), ed. Watching While Black Rebooted! The Television and Digitality of Black Audiences. Rutgers UP.
Stolley, Karen (Spanish and Portuguese) and Catherine M. Jaffe, eds. The Black Legend of Spain and its Atlantic Empire in the Eighteenth Century: Constructing National Identities. Liverpool UP.
+ Tumminio-Hansen, Danielle (Theology). Speaking of Rape: The Limits of Language in Sexual Violations. Fortress.
* Wendland, Kristin (Music). The Power of Practice: How Music and Yoga Transformed the Life and Work of Yehudi Menuhim. SUNY Press.
Wendland, Kristin (Music) and Kacey Link, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Tango. Cambridge UP.
Witte, John (Law) and Andrea Pin. Libertà religiosa e diritti umani. Origini e futuro tra Europa e Stati Uniti. Il Mulino.
Witte, John (Law). Table Talk: Short Talks on the Weightier Matters of Law and Religion. Brill.
Wright, Jacob (Theology). Why the Bible Began: An Alternative History of Scripture and its Origins. Cambridge UP.
Wu, Wei (Religion). Esoteric Buddhism in China: Engaging Japanese and Tibetan Traditions, 1912–1949. Columbia UP.
Yancy, George (Philosophy) and Bill Bywater, eds. In Sheep's Clothing: The Idolatry of White Christian Nationalism. Rowman & Littlefield.
Yancy, George (Philosophy). Until Our Lungs Give Out: Conversations on Race, Justice, and the Future. Rowman & Littlefield.
Züfle, Andreas (Computer Science), John Krumm, and Cyrus Shahabi. Spatial Gems, Vol. 2. Association for Computing Machinery.
We have endeavored to identify all books written or edited by Emory faculty that were published between September 1, 2023, and August 31, 2024, but inevitably we miss a few. If you know of a book that should be on this list, please contact Allison Adams (aadam02@emory.edu), so that we may include it on the website. Thank you!